Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Gotta keep your head up, and you can let your hair down"

When I heard this song (Andy Grammar) this morning, I became really happy! I started dancing around the house.. by myself...

I think I am at a point in my life that I want to "let my hair down." To me this means, being myself.

 I saw a commercial with my "idol" John Elway..(I know, weird). He was dancing around, and tells how his kids roll there eyes and walk away. He says they don't know he has the "moves" and then he states that he is "comfortable in his own skin." Who cares what those darn kids think anyway??

On my run this morning I started thinking about my life right now. Its a different time for me, a sort of transition, I guess. I'm an empty nester, kind of. Kind of meaning, we as a family are blessed to have Buff who is working and provides opportunities for our family we would not otherwise have. He says.."men need to be doing something, it keeps them out of trouble". I am thankful for him, and the time we do get to spend together.
But as he works I think... what do I REALLY want to be doing right now...The answer was clear to me.  I want to enjoy time with my girls, of course! Its what I do best, it's what I have always done. I have tried thinking about other options... traveling the world for example. I can hear it now...  (my girls), "mom..maybe you should go back to school, or find a hobby or something..."

 I read Erins blog today about Olives first day of school. And how Olive wants to go to school alone..without her mom. ("It", starts young, Erin).    I watched Parenthood last night as Hadies mom was sitting on the couch waiting for Hadie to come home. She said to her husband, "I'm pathetic, aren't I, sitting here waiting when I know Hadie will come home and go straight upstairs w/o saying anything to me." She says something like, "I was just hoping she would stop and talk to me.  I was hoping we would go shopping, gossip together and stuff like that, I had big plans for us before she leaves for college."
But then..when they took Hadie to the airport and she was in line, she stopped, looked a little nervous, and got out of line and went to her parents and gave them a big hug.

I love parenthood! I love the family living close, getting in everyones business, going through the good and the bad... together. And always coming together in the end. After all this IS what its all about, right?..eternal families. They don't even know this. They, meaning writers of Parenthood.

But we do..don't we?  So here goes the mushy...

So thank you to Brekk. You are THE most unselfish person I know. I know when I am old you will build me an apartment at your house. And then you will say, "mom, why don't you live in the house, I will live in the apartment." I love you!

Thank you Cohen and Leisel. I will never forget being there for Leisels birth. Probably THE most special and memorable time of my life. And to Cohen's "super fast" runs into my arms...Love him!

Thank you Erin. You and I are soul mates! I more than enjoy talking to you about everything! I know I can count on you, and you will do whatever it takes to support me, anytime, anywhere, or, for that matter, anyone else in the family. You are special. I love you!

Thank you Jord. I have never met a more loving person in my life! You're big "bear hugs", and your cute names for me, make me feel like I'm your real mom. I want you to know how much that means to me. You have always included me in your family. I love you!

 Thank you Olive and Madge. Wow!! What unconditional love these little girls give me. I can always count on them to love me more that there own parents:) After all, I do give them gum!

 Thank you Raleigh. We are new at this. You're growing up. I feel a transition from me being the "buggy mom" to me being a best friend. You have always been loving to me, no matter what. Putting your arms around me, even giving me little kisses. Writing me notes. I can't tell you what this means to me. I have a feeling we will be tight!!! I love you!

 Thank you Will. In the short time I have known you, I already love you. Thanks for the time we spent together the last visit I took to Provo. You, me, and Coop. It's pretty special that a "new" son-in-law will take the time with his mother in law. I enjoy our budding relationship.

And so, in the spirit of keeping my head up and "letting my hair down".   I am doing what I want to do, pathetic or not, and being happy in it. If you all decide to roll your eyes at me and are tempted to enroll me in college or ship me off to Tahitii or something...just remember, "Families can be together forever.":)  And I am hear to stay.

 But maybe I'll join a ski club or something, idk.


The Colbys... written by Erin said...

And thank you, mom, for being the best mom ever!

Unknown said...

oh stop (rolling my eyes) you're making me cry! good post madre.

You are such a good writer! No need for college...